
Knowing Jesus in the Old Testament? A Fresh Look at Christophanies is unavailable, but you can change that!

The language of ‘christophanies’ is used technically by scholars to refer to appearances of the incarnate Son of God after his resurrection, as narrated in the New Testament Gospels and Acts. At a more popular level, though, the term is increasingly applied to alleged appearances of the pre-incarnate Son in the Old Testament. That Jesus appeared to—and was even recognized by—the likes of Abraham...

Consequently, ‘christophanies’ are now named in a veritable swathe of twenty-first-century writings. The term is found in academic dictionaries, commentaries and journal articles on biblical books as diverse as Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, John and Hebrews. Although it’s still sometimes used of New Testament, post-resurrection appearances, it is now substantially applied to Old Testament theophanies and in the narrow, exclusive sense. It’s found especially in popular and conservative presentations and
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